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Showing posts from 2010

Most Welcome 2011

Its a resolution time for new year, every one is ready with there list to commit about and in my case i still have some action items from last year list... funny i know but this is something that we call Reality. Well last year was awesome and memorable, gave me lot of things which will help me to bring happiness in my future and something which makes really life more interesting. Everything was so great and peaceful in last year India has established itself back from the last banking crises and Information technology scams and fraud.Market is open and entire world is looking foreword to invest in India and its giving  true competition to the USA. Now i strongly believe that there should be some commitments towards our nation also which seems really simple but mandatory : 1. Do not promote and support the movies which gives bad influence to the society. 2. Take some step foreword to reduce the cost of education in India, do not pay high fee to the schools who do no...

Mobile Message Organizer

Got a basic requirement that i think every mobile should have, all the mail clients have this facility and i dont see any big difficulties on this other than the storage problem which is not a problem at all as we got GB of spaces in our memory cards. Well i am talking about the organizing the messages in Inbox , categorization of messages. Suppose i want to store all the messages from one of my friend say A in a folder called Personal, my existing mobile device Nokai E71 doesn't have this feature inbuilt (Ofcourse if you want you can make a folder and move the messages manually but here i am talking about the idea of automating this procedure). Only thing we need to do is , we have to store the rules in separate location , rules will be defined by the user and then device will follow these rules.There are no or very less software available which satisfy this requirement for mobile device.this is so simple but basic requirement as per the end user. I am going to make this one ...

Get Set Go !!

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.                                                                                                                          Stephen A. Brennan   I was thinking about the idea that i got while thinking about my own problems, i am pretty sure this is not only my problem but this is the problem with most of the person in this world, who are driving there life without any excitement and they are just acting like machine. These kind of people are either Robot or act as Robot with there predefined programmed mind an...

Google OS + Cloud =More Businessssssssss cloud around Google

One thing makes this company very interesting is the combination of software and services in every line of business. Now the upcoming Google Os is nothing but the googled linux Kernel. These guys have modified the kernel and has come up with the customized os which is less OS more browser the idea behind this is user will access there os which will be hosted in the google secure server ,which interns increase the business of OS, browser, hardware and the cloud computing. What a Great Idea.Google Ji.........:) more on this is available at

Good Manager

This is very powerful & useful message to al of us. Kindly go through it enjoy yourself. This is a powerful message in our modern society. We seemed to have lost our bearing & our sense of direction. One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company. He passed the first interview, the director did the last interview, made the last decision. The director discovered from the CV that the youth's academic achievements were excellent all the way, from the secondary school until the postgraduate research, never had a year when he did not score. The director asked, "Did you obtain any scholarships in school?" the youth answered "none".

Interview : Shiv Khera

Winning as a way of life Shiv Khera, motivational expert, speaker, consultant and author of three best-selling books, does not necessarily speak about new things. His subject is human life – the individual vis-à-vis society, and how the two can win. But it is the use of the right word at the right time in the right context in simple, evocative terms that sets him apart. Rajeev Nair met him in Dubai Charged – that is one word to describe the infectious persona of Shiv Khera, the motivational expert, hot in demand in the US professional circles to turn around company fortunes and develop the man power base. The Indian has been a US-resident for nearly three decades but hasn’t relinquished his Indian citizenship; he even contested the general elections from Delhi.

Friendship is the most lovable gift

This is what wikipedia says about friendship "Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association. Friendship has been studied in academic fields such as sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and philosophy. Various academic theories of friendship have been proposed, including social exchange theory, equity theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles. A World Happiness Database study found that people with close friendships are happier" Friendship is the most lovable gift for everyone of us and to get this you dont need money, infact money play negative role here. Friendship has a special price and value that's not money. Special price that I mentioned here is time. People might say time is money but lets avoid that argument here. When today I look at various faces of this nice relationship(which is quite often better then many blood relations). I would li...

It was a mistake

I left the company which was building an outstanding product and considered me a very valuable resource, valued me way more than my experience in the industry and last but not the least paid me much mroe than i deserved. Given responsiblities that have shaped me very well and helped me in positioning myself better in the industry. I could not see the big picture that time and neglected long term benefits, satisfaction and gain. Never the less I learned some big lessons and that made me more mature and informed. In a way every failure is success and every mistake is a lesson, My best wishes to that company. Thanks for all your support

I Love My India Happy Independence day to One and All

MERA BHARAT MAHAN   I am proud to be an indian. This is the 64th year since the independence of our country from the British Government. Do not worry i am not going to write something like we are still lagging and struggling  in most of turms and prespective .We have done an exceptional growth in all major areas like :- Communication, Technologies, Infrastructure, Education, Corporations and lot of other stuffs including the Population and Pollution ...:-) which may be more important than the listed one. But I am totally satisfied with the progress of country and the youth talent within each circle and boundary of India.: I have seen many of us are mainly thinking like we still have corruption on the peek, you can not do any thing in india without paying money and there are lot of several other reasons of the Indian system which makes the Indian youth unsatisfied with the system and government policy and politics. In order to resolve these issues the youth s...

Pidgin a universal chat client

Pidgin is one of the most loved chat client software for developers and all the person who are chat box kind of person.Actually this is such a nice open source project and available for almost all the plateform. This software supports all the popular chat protocols and provides a secure channel to connect with the open social media like Myspace and facebook. You know my most of the friends are really surprised by seeing me online all the time with different social websites and in different emails all the time. They should know what i am using to stay in touch with my all friends and colleagues.Facebook protocol is not available in the default setup of the pidgin but you can download the face book plugin free of cost and can install in your system and yup, now you got the seamless connectivity with the facebook and this will provides all kind of Facebook notification at instant. Here is the link to downlaod Pidgin. By the way you can also use ...

Power of wrapers in Softwares

In order to get the complete control of undergoing process in any software application, wrappers plays a vital role.Most of the big framework like Spring, Hibernate and Jdbc have this kind of wrappers.In general you can say wrappers are the outer layer of the main object.In Spring security(Formly known as acegi security) we have request wrappers through this request wrapper acegi security decides that each incomming request has authenticate header or not? How Spring security framework does this ? this is a very simple process. Each and every HttpRequest has to pass some filters configured on some external xml files. These filters inject some information in Httprequest headers, and instead of using the main Request facade spring security uses the wrappers of the request and application will not operate untill and unless request contains the authentication tokens, In this way wrappers are providing security through out the Lifecycle of Request. A part of the web application there are s...

I lost myself in OpenSSO redirection loop

These days i am working with some identity management technologies for secure roles and policy based authentication.I came across one almost closed project OpenSSO which is no doubt excellent.I am telling it closed because it is a open source software initiated by Sun Microsystem and inspired by Sun Access Manager.After the Sun-Oracle merger the oracle has decided to close this project and stopped all the support that Sun was providing earlier.Well the you can use this OpenSSO server for your all applicaiton server ,No matters it is tomcat,Jetty ,JBoss or any other application server.You can achieve single sign on by two ways either use the policy agent and deploy it in your applicaiton server or use the OpenSSOClientSdk . Different policy agents are available for different servers. I choosed the openssoclientsdk for my java web applicaiton.I am using tomcat 6.0 and openSSO 8.0 enterprise edition.I have integrated the spring security and the openSSO through opensso client sdk .Aft...

Awesome Hyderabad

I like Hyderabad due to various reasons, this is a city where I always wanted to be, even when Information Technology and scicence of computers were completely unknown to me I used to think that every great think of IT in India happens here at Hyderabad. BTW thats not true at all. We have multiple other cities in India which are better than Hyderabad but still I like this place. What I like about Hyderabad People : Decent, simple and good people, who dont mind helping you if they can. Food : All kind of food available here, Lots of similarities in culture of Chhattisgarh and Andhrapradesh. Food habits are also almost same. I faced little or no difficulty here. Weather : It should rain little more here but I am OK.  Distance: 1 hr in flight to reach to me home state (then I have to take bus and its 12 hrs after that).

Identity Management

Identity management: deals with the creation, communication, recognition, and usage of identity in the enterprise. Identity management includes provisioning services, directories, multi-factor authentication, federation, and so on. All access control is predicated on identity, a central concern to security architecture, the quality of the system’s authentication and authorization cannot be stronger than the identity management process. Identity management architecture is important to identify points of leverage across projects, because identity management components are often not able to support a business case individually. Strategically the enterprise should align investment, architecture, and implementation in the identity space to increase the quality, reusability, and strength of identity. The net benefit is to improve the authentication, authorization, and auditing services for the system as a whole. The utility of the identity management architecture comes through ma...

A Year in Vimukti Technologies....

Vimukti technologies(P)Ltd. A small IT(Product development) company situated at A.S Rao nagar in Hyderabad, This is the place which was my first temple for last one year. Seocnd temple was J.  I know people will think why am I identifying this IT office as temple. You will know for sure by end of this article. Everyone wants to work for great company because their you get opportunities to excel and take your potential to the next level. As fresher we get facinated by the companies infrastructure and facilities it provides. Sharing details abiout the extraordinary facilities that copany provides is kind of considered cool among friends. I consider myself as an average person and like others I had similar dreams. Things didn’t work well (I will write the separate post about what dint work well) and I ended up joining Vimukti Technologies. One thing that I liked about the company is that their selection process was very logical. One of the things that they score ...

Plan for the day

If you are planning something after getting up from the bed at early morning then you may know this how much difficult it is to plan your entire days work at this moment of time.I am taking my example its 7.33  am of Monday ,what i know about my todays work is i have to go to office at 9.30 which is seems to be  very crucial after two days of holiday.I don't want to plan my office related work at this time because i  believe there should be a septation between personal and professional life so i am leaving planning of  office work for office hours.I think managers have all this type of qualities like planning ,finishing the task by pre allocated time of questions.Now "Do managers really have the qualities to completing the task on time?"  i am glad you asked!..well not 100%.They have a strategy that if they have not completed the task in predefined time they can manage it by there plan B,they always have...

Time to keep secure your Account

Now a days every one is crazy about social networking and visiting orkut and facebook is becoming an important part of our daily life.This has become as important as food for life, even for some folks social networking tops the chart in priority list.Not everything is wrong with this, infact some of the things that social networking sites brings are really nice like they help us to staying in touch with family and friends. But if you are sharing your personal information and photographs then eventually security concerns comes in the fore front of social networking world. With my limited understanding, I have come up with following points that you have to keep in your mind before creating the social networking account 1. Don't expose all your information in social networking site if not in the web.     Any one can use these information against you, for example your     date of birth ,college name,place of birth or any thing     will be more than s...