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Showing posts from 2009

Power of Open source Flex

Adobe flex is back with lots of new features ,the rich GUI provided by this framework is sufficient for building rock solid and stable GUI with good look .I have decided that I will explore it as much as possible.I am a java developer by profession  and for GUI purpose we generally use the GWT (GWT is most popular these days, not sure for how many years) ,It is also one of the good technology to develope the GUI but I dont want to limit my self to one specific tecnology. Few things that I liked about the adobe flex are Flex SDK is opensource. Availibility of good training materials and tutorials including the video tutorials (free of cost offcourse). You can integrate flex application with Java, ColdFusion, Php and .Net. Full support with service oriented archetecture as it is backbone of the distributed applications. Availiblity Powerful frameworks like Cairngorm,TurboGears,MATE,PUREMVC,SWIZ. if you want more details about these frameworks please visit this nice and...

Speed up Firefox has a useful guide on speeding up firefox for broadband users. basically after getting to the hidden config settings you set the browser to request more data that it usually does. 1.Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit return. Scroll down and look for the following entries: network.http.pipelining network.http.proxy.pipelining network.http.pipelining.maxrequests Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading. 2. Alter the entries as follows: Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true” Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true” Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to some number like 30. This means it will make 30 requests at once. 3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0″. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on...

Indian Education System

“ Real education must ultimately be limited to men who insist on knowing, the rest is mere               sheep-herding . ” - Ezra Pound   The education system in India is considered to be one of the largest and in the ancient world it was most valued. The relationship between the Guru and students have been valued most in this country. The history of the education system in India dates back to the first centuries, when the young children were taught in the Gurukuls and the Guru-Shishya system was the most common means of education. After that the famous universities like Nalanda, Takshashila, Ujjain and Vikramshila came into existence and enhanced the scope for the students. The Mughal period shows us the inception of Madarasah. Now in this era modern schools and university are providing top notch and high quality education to students around the world. Online courses are even popular as they can be subscribed by peo...

Fundamentals of the Organization Success

Read this article by keeping in mind that i am talking about Small medium business corporations. Today i was thinking about the organization success ,according to the top managers and business gurus companies top asset is the human asset and unfortunatily we are wasting this asset a lot,problem may be any thing like communication skills,unplanned work misunderstanding of responsibility etc.But these are the things which we can improve easily and the peoples are improving also may be others don't have time to notice or may be i am wrong but this is the general case.According to me the fundamental pillars of success is the step by step process of utilizing the human assets.Now a days what companies are doing is they recruits the candidates fix them in certain project from there first day and they give pressure gradually,if the person is able to satisfy the management by his performance than ok otherwise fire him and conduct second round of recruitment,i dont know we have a gre...

SingleTon DesignPattern

Singleton pattern comes into creational design pattern category, the main objective of the creational pattern is to instantiate an object and with Singleton Pattern we will allow only one instance of the class to be created. Here in this article we will understand how we can create an Singleton class in Java. Singleton Class Code: package designpattern.creational.singleton ; public class MySingleTon { private MySingleTon ( ) { } private static MySingleTon instance = null ; public static synchronized MySingleTon getInstance ( ) { if ( instance == null ) { System . out . println ( "Creating New Instance" ) ; instance = new MySingleTon ( ) ; } else { System . out . println ( "Returning Existing Instance" ) ; } return instance ; } public Object clone ( ) throws CloneNotSupportedException { throw new CloneNotSupportedException ( ) ; } } Code Explanation: W...

Invoking Class Methods using Reflection in Java

Sometimes we want the code should be dynamic and we even want to call the class methods dynamically. This article describes on how we can invoke the class methods dynamically using variables. To achieve the above operation we use the concept of Reflection in Java . Here in this article i am using 2 java files, and will be the class that we want to load dynamically and will have the code responsible for calling the Server class dynamically . import java.lang.reflect.Method ; public class Client { public static void main ( String args [ ] ) { try { Class dynamicClass = null ; dynamicClass = Class . forName ( "Server" ) ; //Loading methods parameters Class [ ] parameter = new Class [ 1 ] ; parameter [ 0 ] = int . class ; Object iClass = dynamicClass. newInstance ( ) ; //Loading and Invoking setPort metho...

Sub Class Mapping

Mapping Inheritance with Java Classes In just about any application, some kind of inheritance hierarchy needs to be mapped to permanent stor- age. As you saw there are several ways to map the inherence hierarchy. In our mapping, we’ll consider the following methods: ❑ Table-per-class hierarchy ❑ Table-per-subclass ❑ Table-per-concrete class


In most of the interview and from the most of the intelligent peoples this question comes if you will tell them that now i know the java script ,without wasting much time they will launch the question what is prototype in java script? My this article will expain the concept behind the java script's prototype Prototype is nothing but the way to extend and override the existing functionality of the java script object if you want to override the functionality you can,if you want to add extra functionality you can! i am giving the example here String. prototype . divide = function ( ) { var x = this ; return x. split ( " " ) ; } var str_data = "Gajendra Kumar Choudhary" ; var test = str_data. divide ( ) ; alert ( test ) ; now i think all doubts are clear.

Creating and Configuring Servlets

Configuring Servlets You define servlets as a part of a Web application in several entries in the J2EE standard Web Application deployment descriptor, web.xml. The web.xml file is located in the WEB-INF directory of your Web application. The first entry, under the root servlet element in web.xml, defines a name for the servlet and specifies the compiled class that executes the servlet. (Or, instead of specifying a servlet class, you can specify a JSP.) The servlet element also contains definitions for initialization attributes and security roles for the servlet. The second entry in web.xml, under the servlet-mapping element, defines the URL pattern that calls this servlet. Servlet Mapping Servlet mapping controls the way you want to access your servlets example of servlet mapping look like the image i attatched above Servlet Initialization Attributes You define initialization attributes for servlets in the Web application deployment descriptor, web.xml, in the ini...

Design Patterns

Factory pattern comes into creational design pattern category, the main objective of the creational pattern is to instantiate an object and in Factory Pattern an interface is responsible for creating the object but the sub classes decides which class to instantiate. It is like the interface instantiate the appropriate sub-class depending upon the data passed. Here in this article we will understand how we can create an Factory Pattern in Java. Suppose here i am giving a good and easy example.. ICommunicator is the core interface public interface ICommunicator { public ICommunicator getCommunicator(); public void sayCommunicatorName(); } public interface IRelianceCommunicator extends ICommunicator{ } public interface INokiaCommunicator extends ICommunicator{ } The concrete class NokiaCommunicator and RelianceCommunicator is below import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class NokiaCommunicator implements INokiaCommunicator { public static final Logger log ...

Welcome Note!

Welcome to my blog ! Here I collect my random thoughts and paint them on pages as and when they occur. I believe internet is the best thing that is invented and developed by mankind. An excellent platform to share knowledge and gather constructive feedback. What makes it even more special is users such as you, who visit and help making it even more meaningful and better. I would like to thank you for your visit. Purpose of this blog is well served and my time on writing is best spent, if posts of these blog helps you to broden your perspective and mind in any ways.  If you have any questions on any of the topics or have feedback, feel free to write to me and o will personally respond to your query/comment.  You can also join my professional network  LinkedIn Also follow me in Quora, you can find me with my name "Gajendra Choudhary"