Read this article by keeping in mind that i am talking about Small medium business corporations.
Today i was thinking about the organization success ,according to the top managers and business
gurus companies top asset is the human asset and unfortunatily we are wasting this asset a lot,problem may be any thing like communication skills,unplanned work misunderstanding of responsibility etc.But these are the things which we can improve easily and the peoples are improving also may be others don't have time to notice or may be i am wrong but this is the general case.According to me the fundamental pillars of success is the step by step process of utilizing the human assets.Now a days what companies are doing is they recruits the candidates
fix them in certain project from there first day and they give pressure gradually,if the person is able to satisfy the management by his performance than ok otherwise fire him and conduct second round of recruitment,i dont know we have a great companies in india along with there great managers there plans ,there experience are totally free over internet any body can learn and utilise the skills what they used in there time to solve the potential problem in there organization.So if they want to increase the productivity they need to follow these steps
Training is the first step that they should follow ,other wise they will waste the human asset `from the first day onwards.Never assign project to the candidates from first day,just give them
some syllabus of training ,if the companies are not intreated to give the training then they can
allocate some time that employee can complete the syllabus from the internet.
i have read one book of my fevorate author Mr. Shiv Khera . Mr. Shiv Khera is the founder of Qualified Learning Systems Inc. USA. An Educator, Business Consultant and successful Entrepreneur. He is a much sought after Speaker. He informs and inspires people in helping them realize their true potential.
according to him
When we take care of our people problems, most of our business problems are automatically resolved.
- Either I don’t know how to do it - which becomes a technical training education issue
- I don’t want to do it – in this case he is really saying two things again
- Either I don’t care to do it - that’s an attitude issue
OR - I feel strongly enough not to do it - which becomes a value issue
- Either I don’t care to do it - that’s an attitude issue
ATTITUDE - Increase productivity and profit by developing a ‘Can do Attitude’.
We have asked many decision makers this one question.
“If there was one thing that would make your organization more productive what would that be?”
We have asked many decision makers this one question.
“If there was one thing that would make your organization more productive what would that be?”
Pretty much everyone came back with one word ATTITUDE. They said if our people have better attitude we would have a better teamwork, quality and bottom line would go up.
How come under the same set of circumstances some people break records while others break themselves.
So proper training is required for the domain and for the motivation.2.Project Assignment
After training candidates generally assigned to the projects they workes under the project manager,at that time they need motivation and the encouragement,without that you cant achieve the deadlines,defiantly you will extend the deadlines.Changing the project specification
number of times doesnt make sense it only shows the poor knowledge of the project Manager.
3.Salary System
Salary should be based on the performance not on the basis of seniority.
Happy Employees Are Critical For An Organization's Success, Study Shows
happiness might seem like a personal subject, but a Kansas State University researcher says employers should be concerned about the well-being of their employees because it could be the underlying factor to success.I will get back with some more points so upto that time wait..
Happy productivity
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