Some time It makes me to think that what kind of software we would be using in near future, a software that can reduce manual works, a software that reduces the time span or do complex calculation in a min or less or a software which can maintain millions of records and hence reduce the documentation etc..
I will ask one question to you:
If there is one thing you want see change and that would be helpful to change your way of computing or the way your organization operates, What would it be??
Possibly there are lot of answers coming in but the one that i feel strong enough is i would like to see the changes in software which can enable them to make decision for me or they can make on be half of me .
Now the question how can we make the intelligent software which can make decision, Every decision that we make goes through the thought process it goes through the step by step analysis of the problem domain. Analysis is possible if you have a chunk of information on your hand, which is absolutely and easily possible.
Let me take an example to explain this fact
There are so many people who invest in securities IPO and Mutual funds and other public funds to make more money in less time compare to other banking schemes. Without proper fundamental and technical analysis investing in stocks can be very dangerous. Stock markets prices operate in a simple principle of demand and supply. When demand is less is the buying opportunity and opposite is true as well .
A software can fetch all the results which are available in the internet, analyse that and produce a buy and sell signals. All the information which are required to do analysis are exposed for the public all records including the Balance sheet and Cash flow can be obtained easily in the internet .I am about to update this article with my more finding. Please keep visiting here. A lot more is about to come.
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