Vocabulary building has been very important for every English student in the school or college. News paper, article, internet, dictionaries have been main sources to find and fight with new word from long time at least from the time my memories go. What should one has to do for improving his vocabulary in a significant and progressive manner? Normally we search the words in dictionary if we don’t know the meaning and then after having a look life goes on. We can never remember the words if we follow this approach. The words that we searched stays in our memory for very short period of time.
Thanks to the software dictionaries with search functionality which eliminated tremendous burden of flipping and turning the pages of hard copy dictionary at least this feature adds a bit of smartness in the tiny software. If I had to turn the pages left and right with eye on desired word I would better not even start my search. This is such a painful problem. Many people suggests, keeping note of the words which is new for you and regular revision really helps to retain them in memory for long time, Having said that to be honest I never found myself motivated to write those word in a card and carry those cards in pocket and try to revise it time to time and look stupid in front of others. Most of us can not remember the words, if you have already done this and were successful then my salute to you and you are perfectly eligible to pat your back.
I have some nice idea of enhancing these outdated dictionaries application which will create a wow effect in the future of the language learning and vocabulary building. All it takes is a few mega bites of spaces which come by default on the mobile and other hand held devices now days. Despite of having excellent platform and operating system in expensive mobile so called "Smart phone" we are using the old fashioned boring and limited capacity mobile application. Google, Microsoft and Apple and some other big IT giants which are taking interest in mobile arena has provided a smart platform for mobile computing, now it is completely in the hands of developers to make smart use of these powerful computing devices. A smart phone can never become smart until and unless it contains a smart applications. All the products which earned enormous success in market is not only because of technology but because of the Idea, It is the idea which drives the success of product and concept. Now question is what kind of applications are smart. As we are talking about the dictionary so lets continue with that and take that as an example. A dictionary which contains lots of word and having search functionality is good but not really smart enough. Not smart enough because every simple dictionary software does that and if one more does then it doesn’t make any difference for that matter.
functionalities which can make it smart
1. Translation:
Mostly no mobile dictionary software has this word translation feature, An ideal software should provide the capability to translate the word into any language.
2.Keep it for history:
Mobile application should maintain a database of the words that has searched by the user, so that user has the tracking and history to see what are the words he searched last time and whether he remembers those or not.
3.Visual Image and Connection:
Image and visual display is a fantastic way of remembering any thing including the words and its meaning. Ideally according to the research its very much possible to represent 465000 English words visually in the form of image or sketch.
4. Extract words:
Because we are saving the words in the history, there is very nice and good way of using that words which resides in the store (History) .if any SMS, email or notes We can highlight that word in different color inline and on the tooltip we can show the meaning with the last search date for that word
Thanks to the software dictionaries with search functionality which eliminated tremendous burden of flipping and turning the pages of hard copy dictionary at least this feature adds a bit of smartness in the tiny software. If I had to turn the pages left and right with eye on desired word I would better not even start my search. This is such a painful problem. Many people suggests, keeping note of the words which is new for you and regular revision really helps to retain them in memory for long time, Having said that to be honest I never found myself motivated to write those word in a card and carry those cards in pocket and try to revise it time to time and look stupid in front of others. Most of us can not remember the words, if you have already done this and were successful then my salute to you and you are perfectly eligible to pat your back.
I have some nice idea of enhancing these outdated dictionaries application which will create a wow effect in the future of the language learning and vocabulary building. All it takes is a few mega bites of spaces which come by default on the mobile and other hand held devices now days. Despite of having excellent platform and operating system in expensive mobile so called "Smart phone" we are using the old fashioned boring and limited capacity mobile application. Google, Microsoft and Apple and some other big IT giants which are taking interest in mobile arena has provided a smart platform for mobile computing, now it is completely in the hands of developers to make smart use of these powerful computing devices. A smart phone can never become smart until and unless it contains a smart applications. All the products which earned enormous success in market is not only because of technology but because of the Idea, It is the idea which drives the success of product and concept. Now question is what kind of applications are smart. As we are talking about the dictionary so lets continue with that and take that as an example. A dictionary which contains lots of word and having search functionality is good but not really smart enough. Not smart enough because every simple dictionary software does that and if one more does then it doesn’t make any difference for that matter.
functionalities which can make it smart
1. Translation:
Mostly no mobile dictionary software has this word translation feature, An ideal software should provide the capability to translate the word into any language.
2.Keep it for history:
Mobile application should maintain a database of the words that has searched by the user, so that user has the tracking and history to see what are the words he searched last time and whether he remembers those or not.
3.Visual Image and Connection:
Image and visual display is a fantastic way of remembering any thing including the words and its meaning. Ideally according to the research its very much possible to represent 465000 English words visually in the form of image or sketch.
4. Extract words:
Because we are saving the words in the history, there is very nice and good way of using that words which resides in the store (History) .if any SMS, email or notes We can highlight that word in different color inline and on the tooltip we can show the meaning with the last search date for that word
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